Björn Scheder, Head of Services Finance, LBBW Stuttgart

Dear Mrs. Kliche,

I’ve been attending your Business Coaching for the past six months. It is my opinion that the topics I have discussed not only help me in terms of content, but that you have also understood perfectly well how to put a completely different, holistic focus on the topics “expression, perception and voice”.

By combining different topics or views, and learning from your customers what conditions they are in, your work will give you a much broader view that is also very inspiring and motivating.

The enthusiasm for your own work and the many experiences that you gain actively in your field of activity through advanced training allow a colorful, spontaneous approach with your customers, which still follows a certain framework.

I would like to thank you for the experience and therefore I will gladly recommend you further.


Björn Scheder

Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
